1st Online Classical Voice Competition
SOI Scuola dell’Opera Italiana
Fiorenza Cedolins”
5th Edition 2024.


FIORENZA CEDOLINS, Soprano, Artistic Director of Music and Dance Fondazione Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine, Founder and Artistic Director of SOI, Professor of Singing at the Faculty “Conservatori del Liceu” of Barcelona


* PAULO ABRÃO ESPER , Artistic Director CIA Opera Sao Paulo
* RINO ALESSI, Journalist , Music Critic
* GIORGIO APPOLONIA,  Journalist, Author, Essayist, Presenter RSI Radio Svizzera Italiana
* GIULIANO CARELLA, Conductor, Artistic Director of I Solisti Veneti Orchestra
* BEPPINO DELLE VEDOVE, Director of Conservatory Tomadini di Udine
* ALESSANDRO DI GLORIA, Responsible for the programming of operas, concerts and casting Teatro Massimo in Palermo
* CRISTINA FERRARI, Artistic Director Fondazione Teatri of Piacenza
* FULVIO MACCIARDI,  General Manager and Artistic Director Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Bologna, President of A.N.F.O.L.S.
* ROBERTO MORI,  Music Critic, Editor of web magazine Connessi all’Opera
* EVA PLEUS, Music Critic
* PAOLO RODDA, Artistic Director Teatro Verdi di Trieste
* FERNANDO SANS RIVIERE,  Editor in Chief and Founder of Ópera Actual Magazine, Editor, Music Critic, Promoter
* FRANCO SILVESTRI, President of ARIACS, Manager, Founder Lirica International Opera Management
* SUSANNA STEFANI CAETANI,  Pianist, Manager, Founder and President of Only Stage management London GB
* SANDRO TORLONTANO, Director of Conservatorio Tartini of Trieste
* GIULIO ZAPPA, Pianist, Vocal coach, Casting manager and artistic secretary of the Donizetti festival in Bergamo


FIORENZA CEDOLINS, Soprano, Artistic Director of Music and Dance Fondazione Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine, Founder and Artistic Director of SOI, Professor of Singing at the Faculty “Conservatori del Liceu” of Barcelona


*PAULO ABRÃO ESPER, Artistic Director CIA Opera Sao Paulo


*RINO ALESSI, Journalist , Music Critic


*ORLIN ANASTASSOV, Bass, Singing teacher

*GIORGIO APPOLONIA, Journalist, Author, Essayist, Presenter RSI Radio Svizzera Italiana

*ALESSANDRO ARIOSI, Founder and Manager of Ariosi Management

*CORINNE BARONI, General Manager and Artistic Director of Teatro Coccia di Novara

*TAMÁS BÁTOR, Artistic Advisor of Budapest Opera House and Müpa Palace of Art, Budapest

*KLAUS BILLAND, Music Critic

*JORGE BINAGHI, Journalist, Music Critic, Co-founder Fundación Victoria de los Ángeles, Barcelona


*ALESSANDRO CAMMARANO, Journalist, Music Critic, Founder and Editor di Le Salon Musical

*ANDREA CARÉ, Tenor, Singing teacher

*GIULIANO CARELLA, Conductor, Artistic Director of I Solisti Veneti Orchestra

*PAOLO CARIGNANI, Conductor, Principal Conductor Royal Opera House Copenhagen

*CRISTIAN CARRARA, Artistic Director of Fondazione Pergolesi Spontini di Jesi, General manager Teatro Verdi of Pisa

*CARLA MARIA CASANOVA, Journalist, music critic

*DOMENICO CICCONE, Journalist and Music Critic online magazine OperaClick

*GIOVANNI CHIODI, Music Critic, Professor of Law at University La Bicocca of Milano and Director of musical activity

*SAVERIO CLEMENTE, Founder and manager of InArt Management *PIERANGELO CONTE, Artistic Director Teatro Carlo Felice, Genova

*FABIANA DALPIAZ Associate director Singers department, Askonas Holt Agency London

*BEPPINO DELLE VEDOVE, Director of Conservatory Tomadini di Udine

*HUGO DE ANA, Director

*BRUNO DE SIMONE, Baritone, Singing teacher

* ALESSANDRO DI GLORIA, Responsible for the programming of operas, concerts and casting Teatro Massimo in Palermo Responsible for the programming of operas, concerts and casting Teatro Massimo in Palermo

*DOMINIC DOMINGO, Senior artist manager Askonas Holt Agency London

*CRISTINA FERRARI, Artistic Director Fondazione Teatri of Piacenza

*PRITI GANDHI, Artistic Director of Portland Opera

*CHRISTOPHE GHRISTI, Dramaturge, Artistic Director Théatre National du Capitole, Toulouse

*ALESSANDRO GILLERI, (in memoriam) Producer, Golden Show srl Impresa Sociale – Trieste

*LAURA GIORDANO, Soprano, Singing teacher

*SCOTT GUZIELEK, Vice President and General Manager AVA Academy of Vocal Arts di Philadelphia

*WOLFGANG HOLZMAIR, Baritone, Professor of Lied and Oratorio at Mozarteum, Salzburg, Guest Professor at the Royal College of Music, London *MARCO IMPALLOMENI, Agent and Founder of MC Domani Management

*FRANCESCO IZZO, Musicologist, Pianist and vocal coach, Professor at the University of Southampton, Scientific director of the Verdi festival, Academic director of the Accademia Verdiana (Teatro Regio di Parma)

*ULISES JAEN, General and Artistic Director Opera Las Palmas

*LÜ JIA, Conductor, Principal Conductor of China National Center for Performing Arts NCPA, Principal Conductor and Musical Director Macao Symphony Orchestra


*JADRANKA JOVANOVIĆ, Mezzosoprano, Principal Artist National Theater of Beograd and Head of Opera-Studio, Parliamentarian and member of the Commission of Culture at the Serbian Parliament

*PLAMEN KARTALOFF, Artistic Director Sofia Opera and Ballet, Director

*GREGORY KUNDE, Tenor, Conductor, Singing teacher

*ALEKSANDRA KURZAK, Soprano, Violinist, Singing teacher

*MICHELE LAI, Lawyer dedicated to the rights of live entertainment and authors, Pianist

*BORIS LAURES, Director, Journalist, Producer, Presenter LRA Rádio Nacional Argentina

*FABIO LAROVERE, Journalist and Music Critic Corriere della sera – Brescia, Connessi all’Opera, L’Opera

*FULVIO MACCIARDI, General Manager and Artistic Director Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Bologna, President of A.N.F.O.L.S.

*GIANLUCA MACHEDA, Founder and President GM Art and Music Management, Warsawia, New York, Lucca

*MICHELE MARIOTTI, Conductor, Musical Director Teatro dell’Opera di Roma

*GIANLUCA MARTINENGHI, Conductor, Artistic secretary Teatro Regio di Torino

*DIEGO MELIS, Casting manager Teatro Lirico di Cagliari

*FRANCESCO MELI, Tenor, Director of the academy for opera singers Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova

*ANDREA MERLI, Music Critic, Director

*NIKOLA MIJAILOVIĆ, Artistic Director National Theater of Beograd

*ROBERTO MOLINELLI, Composer, Conductor, Violist

*GUY MONTAVON, Director, General Manager of Theater Erfurt Germany

*GREGORIO MOPPI, Music Critic, Journalist “La Repubblica” and “Amadeus”, Musicologist, Pianist, Professor of History of Music at Scuola di Musica di Fiesole

*CARLA MORENI, Journalist, Music critic

*FRANCO MORETTI, General Manager Festival Puccini di Torre del Lago

*ROBERTO MORI, Music Critic, Editor of web magazine Connessi all’Opera


*ELEONORA PACETTI, vocal coach, Author

*ELISA PATRIA , Artists manager AMC Management, Zürich

*ANNA PIROZZI, Soprano, Singing teacher 

*PIERLUIGI PIZZI, Director, Artistic director of Festival Puccini di Torre del Lago

*EVA PLEUS, Music Critic


*PAOLO RODDA, Artistic Director Teatro Verdi di Trieste

*EMILIO SAGI, Director

*FERNANDO SANS RIVIÈRE, Editor in Chief and Founder of Ópera Actual Magazine, Editor, Music Critic, Promoter

*SPERANZA SCAPPUCCI, Conductor, Principal guest conductor Royal Opera House ROH Convent Garden Londra

*CHRISTINA SCHEPPELMANN, General Manager Seattle Opera USA

*SEBASTIAN SCHWARZ, Artistic Director Festival della Valle d’Itria of Martina Franca

*AURELIO M.SECO, Editor in Chief of Codalario magazine

*MACRÌ SIMONE Assistant to the General Manager of Teatro Lirico, Cagliari, Pianist and Vocal coach

*BRIAN SPECK, Artistic Administrator Metropolitan Opera House New York

*CHRISTIAN STARINIERI, Lyrical Agent, DM Artist Management, Stabio CH

*SUSANNA STEFANI CAETANI, Pianist, Manager, Founder and President of Only Stage management London GB

*ENRICO STINCHELLI, Journalist, Director, Author and Presenter RAI Radio 3 La Barcaccia


*GIANNI TANGUCCI, Artistic Coordinator of YAP Accademia del Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Firenze

*ALDO TARABELLA, Composer, Director


*INES TARTIERE, Agent, Founder of Ines Tartiere Artists Management, Madrid

*VITTORIO TERRANOVA, Singing teacher

*SANDRO TORLONTANO, Director of Conservatorio Tartini of Trieste

*STEFANO VALANZUOLO, Journalist, Music Critic Il mattino, Napoli

*PETER VALENTOVIC, Pianist, Vocal coach, Casting manager and artistic secretary of the Donizetti festival in Bergamo

*RAMÓN VARGAS, Tenor, Singing Professor Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst MDW- Wien

*BEATRICE VENEZI, Conductor, Music Advisor to the Italian Minister of Culture, Artistic Director Taormina Arte Foundation

*DMITRY VDOVIN, Director of the Young Artist Program Teatro Bolshoi, Moscow

*ABIGEILA VOSHTINA, Director of National Theater of Opera and Ballet of Tirana and violinist

* SHI YIJIE, Tenor, Emeritus Professor and Master tutor at the Chinese College of Music, Emeritus Professor “Xiaoxiang Scholar” at the Normal University of Hunan, Guest Professor at the Xi’an Conservatoire, Sichuan, Shenyang, Exceptional Artist (expert consultant) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzen), Emeritus Professor of Toho College of Music, Tokyo

*ANDRYI YURKEVICH, Conductor, -GIULIO ZAPPA, Pianist, Vocal coach, Artistic Secretary Festival Donizetti of Bergamo

*GIULIO ZAPPA, Pianist, Vocal coach, Casting manager and artistic secretary of the Donizetti festival in Bergamo

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